Alliance Practice Communities
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is increasingly recognized as being among the most valuable assets of companies, and the prosecution and enforcement of intellectual property rights on a national and international level is becoming more and more important. The Intellectual Property Community focuses on all issues related to intellectual property including:
• Registration and prosecution of rights domestically and internationally
• Licensing of rights, franchising and joint ventures
• Enforcement of rights and defenses via civil and criminal law and administrative remedies
• IP as assets (valuation and IP as securities for loans)
• Secrecy agreements
• Protection of know-how
• Trade identity, inclusive of trademarks, trade names, trade dress and Internet domain rights
• Copyright, design registrations, neighboring rights (e.g., phonograms), software, telecommunications
• Special IP rights including plant varieties
• Interactions of IP with antitrust, public procurement, border controls, privacy rights, employment, tax law and marketing approvals (drugs, biologics)
The Intellectual Property Community holds conference calls and has a dedicated listserv. It collaborates on the issues mentioned above. Meetings are held at the bi-annual Law Firm Alliance Meetings and at international conferences relating to IP law, such as the annual meeting of INTA (International Trademark Association). We welcome requests from Intellectual Property Community members for subjects to be explored in greater depth for shared interests.