News, Insights & Events
LFA Women's Forum Trailblazer Panel
November 17 at 2:00 ET
Please join the LFA Women’s Forum on November 17 at 2:00 ET for a panel discussion featuring some of the trailblazers in the LFA. In light of RBG’s passing and women’s 100th anniversary of the right to vote, we will feature three female Managing Partners/Directors (current or soon to be) who will discuss the challenges they faced to achieve the positions they now occupy at their firm:
• Karen Cox of Kane Russell Coleman & Logan
• Tami Diehm of Winthrop & Weinstine
• Kim Martin of Otten Johnson
The panel will have a Q/A format. If you have any questions that you would like our moderator to ask the panelists, please let Beth Seabright know.